German passport for Chaim Wiszhna, a Polish-born foreign resident, containing residence permit stamps for Allenstein, Germany, 1940-1944, and personal documentation of Nachman Malina from the time of his stay in the Soviet Union and Poland after the war
German passport for Chaim Wiszhna, a Polish-born foreign resident, containing residence permit stamps for Allenstein, Germany, 1940-1944, and personal documentation of Nachman Malina from the time of his stay in the Soviet Union and Poland after the war
German passport for Chaim Wiszhna, a Polish-born foreign resident, containing residence permit stamps for Allenstein, Germany, 1940-1944, and personal documentation of Nachman Malina from the time of his stay in the Soviet Union and Poland after the war
- German passport for a foreign resident, with the letter "J" on its cover, for Chaim Wiszhna, born in Kolaki, Poland, 20/11/1898, issued in Allenstein, 27/06/1939, with stamps for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) in Allenst...