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Memoirs of Ruth (Leibovitz-Glick) Ben Moshe, born in Chust in 1930, regarding her experiences in the Chust Ghetto, Auschwitz, and a labor camp during 1944-1945 and her aliya to Eretz Israel, 1946-1947

Memoirs of Ruth (Leibovitz-Glick) Ben Moshe, born in Chust in 1930, regarding her experiences in the Chust Ghetto, Auschwitz, and a labor camp during 1944-1945 and her aliya to Eretz Israel, 1946-1947 Her family's life in Chust; persecution of Jews; economic hardships; young Jews, including her relatives, are sent to Budapest in 1943; German occupation of Hungary, 19/03/1944; deportation of the Jews of Chust to the Chust Ghetto, including the witness' family; transfer of the ghetto'...