Jewish Intelligentsia
Persecution of Polish Jews
Labor Camps
Forced Labor
Murder of Intelligentsia
Burning of Synagogues
Murder of Jews By Poles
Murder of Jews By Ukrainians
Theft of Jewish Property
Murder of Jews
Petliura Days, July 1941
Pogroms and Riots
Lwow Pogrom From June 30th Until End of July 1941
רצח חולים וחולי רוח
The Liquidation of the Ghetto of Pinsk.
Murder of About 200 Members of Jeish Intelligence on 24/7/1941 in Lwow Prison By Germans and Ukrainian Police
Judenrat of Ghetto Lwow
Kalwiński Kazimierz (1927 - ? )
Kalwińska Katarzyna
Kalwiński Wojciech
הצלת יהודים בידי Kalwiński Kazimierz (1927 - ? ) ו2 נוספים בlwow,lwow,lwow,poland
Help to Jews - Poland
Help to Jews - Non Jews
Righteous Among the Nations
Hiding of Jews
Hiding Place