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Diary of Edmund Kessler of Lwów, secretly kept in the Kalwiński family's bunker in Lwów, 1942-1944, containing memories of events in June-December 1941 in Lwów and the diarist's poems from that time

Diary of Edmund Kessler of Lwów, secretly kept in the Kalwiński family's bunker in Lwów, 1942-1944, containing memories of events in June-December 1941 in Lwów and the diarist's poems from that time. - Notebook and pages with Edmund Kessler's writings from his stay in hiding in 1942-1944, including: --- Recollections of the persecution and murder of the Jews of Lwów by the Germans and the local population in June–December 1941: the Germans' entry into Lwów, discovery of bodie...