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Memoirs of David Grinvald, born in Kosice, Czechoslovakia, 1930, regarding his experiences in the Kosice Ghetto and in Auschwitz, Plaszow, Gross-Rosen and Gorlitz camps

Memoirs of David Grinvald, born in Kosice, Czechoslovakia, 1930, regarding his experiences in the Kosice Ghetto and in Auschwitz, Plaszow, Gross-Rosen and Gorlitz camps Life before the war; information about his grandparents from Lwow; information about his grandparents from Kosice; death of his father, 1938; re-annexation to Hungary; German occupation, 1944; anti-Jewish legislation; deportation to the Kosice Ghetto; Kosice Ghetto life; activities of the Judenrat; depor...