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O.104 - אוסף לוכסמבורג

1. Robert Serebrenik, personal and famuly documents and letters. 2. Esra Hilfsverein fuer beduerftige Juden Luxemburg, correspondence and statutes. 3. Letters and other documents concerning the appointment of Robert Serebrenik as Chief Rabbi of Luxemburg. 4. Essay on the Jewish Community Ramath Orah, New York. 5. Correspondence of Robert and Julia Serebrenik. 6. Statement by Robert Serebrenik, Chief Rabbi of Luxemburg, on his meetings with Adolf Eichmann 7. Letters of condolences, eulogies and obituaries on the occasion of Robert Serebrenik's death. 8. Julia Serebrenik's correspondence concerning her pension. 9. Three essays on Religion, Zionism and Youth by Robert Serebrenik, an essay on Labor Zionism by Max Lerner, and miscellaneous documents. 10. Documents concerning the deportation and emigration of the Jewish community of Luxemburg.