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Testimony of Asher Bruner, born in Mezocsat, Hungary, in 1925, regarding his experiences in a labor camp in Hungary in 1944

Testimony of Asher Bruner, born in Mezocsat, Hungary, in 1925, regarding his experiences in a labor camp in Hungary in 1944 Pre-war childhood; coexistence; good neighborly relations; war breaks out in Europe; anti-Jewish laws imposed; studies terminated; moving to Bucharest in 1940; factory labor; German occupation ensues in 1944; Jews sustain abuse; hunger; bombardments; curfew; forced labor induction; digging anti-tank trenches; Red Army approaches; death march to Germany; escaping to Budapest; murder of family members in Auschwitz; training with Dror Habonim; aliya to Israel in 1948; adjustment to life in Israel.