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Transport from Koeln, Köln (Köln), Rhine Province, Germany to Lodz, Ghetto, Poland on 30/10/1941

Departure Date 30/10/1941 Arrival Date 31/10/1941
Fairgrounds Cologne-Deutz
Deutz-Tief Train station, Cologne
Passenger train
For the second transport from Köln, Brodesser ordered the head of the Jewish community, Bernhard, to draw up a new deportation list with the names of 1,000 Jews. Bernhard and other community employees also had to notify the deportees of the impending transport and to instruct them to fill out an inventory of their properties. These Jews were required to report, to the northern hall of the fairgrounds in Deutz at 6:00 a.m., on October 28.
Again the Köln-Deutz fairgrounds served as a gathering point for Jews from Köln. At that time of the year, it was not being used by others and its entrance was off-limits to strangers. Almost all members of the Gestapo staff in Köln — some forty Gestapo employees and seventy members of Kripo (Kriminalpolizei, Criminal Police), and the Gestapo secretariat — took part in the deportation process. Sipo police also visited the compound, and representatives of the ministries of Finance and Labour confiscated belongings and labour permits. The Jews at the gathering point spent the night under Schupo (Schutzpolizei, Security Police) guard.
Survivor, Lore Schlesinger testified:...
Lore Mansfred - Eye witness of the transport from Koeln to Lodz on 30.10.1941