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Transport from Hamburg, Hansestadt Hamburg (Hamburg), Hansa City of Hamburg, Germany to Lodz, Ghetto, Poland on 25/10/1941

Departure Date 25/10/1941 Arrival Date 26/10/1941
Masonic Lodge, Moorweidenstrasse, Hamburg
Hannoversche Train Station, Hamburg
Shortly after this failed attempt, the deportations from Hamburg began as part of the nationwide program. The first wave of transports left the city between the end of October and the beginning of December. It consisted of four large transports to Lodz, Minsk and Riga. Very few deportees survived this wave of transports. The original plans included the deportation of 60,000 Jews from the Reich to Lodz, but the number was reduced to 25,000 due to the protest of local Nazi Party leader Greiser. Around mid-September, the Gestapo sent orders to its regional headquarters (Gestapo-Leitstellen), requesting them to make the necessary preparations for further deportations. The letter also defined groups that were to be excluded: Jews married to a non-Jewish spouse as well as their half-Jewish children, Jews with foreign citizenship, those working for the war industry, and all Jews over the age of 65....
Lucille Eichengreen (Landau) - deported from Hamburg to Lodz on 25.10.1941