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Transport 9 from Wien, Vienna, Austria to Lodz, Ghetto, Poland on 28/10/1941

Departure Date 28/10/1941 Arrival Date 29/10/1941
School Compound, 2a Kleine Sperlgasse, Vienna 2
Vienna, Aspang train staion
Passenger train
Transport number 9 left the Aspangbahnhof in Vienna (Wien) on October 28th, 1941, and arrived on October 29th, at 4:40 pm (instead of the scheduled 11 am) at the Radegast train station in Lodz. The deportees had traveled in third-class carriages on a regular passenger train. Police Officer Franz Lang and 15 armed uniformed policemen (Schutzpolizei) guarded the deportees during the trainride. This transport was the fourth of five that left Vienna as part of the extensive deportation of Jews from cities in Germany, the Protectorate and Austria, which began in the fall of 1941. According to available records, the transport consisted of 371 men and 628 women, a total of 999 people (430 of them older than 61 years). Of these, 89 were classified as “not counted among the Jewish faith”. These were gentile wives or husbands and children of “mixed marriages”. The average age of the deportees was 55. Criminal Commissar Fuchs reported to the local commander of the Security Police (Inspektor der Sipo und des SD) in Posen that the transport included 243 members of families as well as 138 unmarried men and 305 unmarried women. Fuchs classified 750 of the deportees as “fit for work”. Among the deportees were 214, who were sick or elderly. Immediately after the transport arrived in Lodz, the policemen confiscated all money (amounting to 64,500 Reichsmark) and documents from the Jewish deportees and handed both over to the Gestapo. The Jews were then led to the ghetto....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 998, max: 999
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 998, max: 999
    Date of Departure : 28/10/1941
    Date of Arrival : 29/10/1941