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Transport 45, Train Da 525 from Wien, Vienna, Austria to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 09/10/1942

Departure Date 09/10/1942 Arrival Date 10/10/1942
School Compound, 2a Kleine Sperlgasse, Vienna 2
Vienna, Aspang train staion
Cattle Cars
Transport number 45 departed from Aspangbahnhof in Vienna at 8:25 pm on October 9, 1942 and arrived at Theresienstadt on October 10. This transport was the thirteenth to be sent to this destination and consisted of 1,324 Jewish deportees; it was defined Alterstransport because of the large number of elderly people it included. 411 deportees were older than 61, the average age of the deportees was 51 years.
This transport signified the last of the special trains (Sonderzugfahrten) ordered by the RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Main Office) that began in August 1942 for transports from Vienna and Germany to Theresienstadt.
The train traveled along a route that took it through Vienna’s Nordbahnhof, Floridsdorf, Jedlersdorf, Stockerau, Absdorf-Hippersdorf, Gmuend, Tabor and Prague (Praha). In the station at Bohusovice, the Jewish deportees were removed from the train and forced to walk about three kilometers to Theresienstadt. On its arrival in Theresienstadt, the transport was registered in the ghetto register as IV/13. The Roman number IV represented the city of Vienna....
Testimony on Deportation - Anna Ungar, born as Anna Schwarcz - Transport-ID 45/124