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Transport 46e from Wien, Vienna, Austria to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 25/02/1943

Departure Date 25/02/1943 Arrival Date 26/02/1943
Vienna, Nordbahnhof
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
Transport No. 46e departed from Vienna's (Wien) Nordbahnhof station to Theresienstadt on February 25 1943. The transport was comprised of 70 deportees, 19 of them were older than 61 years. The average age of the deportees was 47. Hauptwachtmeister der Schutzpolizei Leopold Kraft was the police officer in command of 3 policemen assigned to guard and escort the transport on its journey.
Due to the small number of deportees on this transport the train car that had been ordered by Security Police (Sipo) Vienna from the Reichsbahn was attached to passenger train number 723, scheduled to depart Nordbahnhof for Lundenburg (Breclav) and Brno (Brünn). In Brno the train car was transferred to a Protektoratsbahnen train on its way to Prague and Theresienstadt. On its arrival in Theresienstadt, the transport was registered in the ghetto register as IV/14e. The Roman number IV represented the city of Vienna.
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 70
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 70
    Date of Departure : 25/02/1943
    Date of Arrival : 26/02/1943
    Item No. : 6994326
    Transport No. upon Arrival : IV/14e