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Transport 46b from Wien, Vienna, Austria to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 08/01/1943

Departure Date 08/01/1943
Vienna, Nordbahnhof
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
Transport number 46b departed from Vienna’s Nordbahnhof at 6 pm on January 8, 1943 and arrived on January 9 at Theresienstadt. This transport consisted of 100 Jewish deportees. 25 deportees were older than 61, the average age of the deportees was 47 years. Five policemen under the command of an unnamed lieutenant were allocated to guard the train throughout its journey. The officer in command of the guard detail was ordered to contact SS-Untersturmfuehrer Ernst Girzick of the Central Office for Jewish Emigration (Zentralstelle fuer juedische Auswanderung) before 2:30 pm at the latest, in order to receive directions relating to the transport. He and the detail were to report at the freight postal platform (Postrampe) at Nordbahnhof, where he would receive the lists of deportees and other relevant documents from an SS Führer, who was waiting at the spot with the deportees.
Because of the small number of Jewish deportees, the train car, which had been ordered by the Sipo in Vienna from the management of the Reichsbahn, was attached to passenger train number 723, which was scheduled to depart from Nordbahnhof for Lundenburg (Breclav) and Brno (Brünn) at 18:00. At Brno the train car was transferred to a train belonging to the Proctorate railways company (Protektoratsbahnen) that was traveling to Prague and Theresienstadt. On its arrival in Theresienstadt, the transport was registered in the ghetto register as IV/14b. The Roman number IV represented the city of Vienna.
Millie Vogelhut, born Kamilla Schwach - deported from Vienna to Theresienstadt on 08/01/1943