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Transport Da 22 from Bendorf Rhein Sayn, Koblenz (Koblenz), Rhine Province, Germany to Sobibor, Extermination Camp, Poland on 14/06/1942

Departure Date 14/06/1942 Arrival Date 19/06/1942
Psychiatric hospital Bendorf-Sayn
train station Sayn
Cattle Cars
Freight train station Koblenz-Luetzel
Cattle Cars
Passenger train
Zur ewigen Anbetung
Fairgrounds Cologne-Deutz
Deutz-Tief Train station, Cologne
Passenger train
Cattle Cars
Sobibor,Extermination Camp,Poland
The transport set out on June 14, 1942, from the psychiatric hospital in Bendorf-Sayn, which since December 1940 should have concentrated all the Jewish psychiatric patients in Germany. The patients and staff from there accounted for most of the deportees from Koblenz and the vicinity. As the wife of the institution’s Jewish director reported in her diary:
The “loading,”—I can’t call it anything else—began early today, from 7.00 am…. onward. At about 2.30 pm, the train was finally ready to move. Everybody had been loaded onto freight cars, including the staff... 60 or even 68 people in one car, which was slammed shut and locked. When I went to the post office at around 8.00 am, I saw the train standing. It broke my heart... At about 3.00 pm, the train went to Koblenz, and, at midnight—meaning nine hours of waiting! — left Lützel and headed for Köln.
At the Koblenz-Lützel station, the train took in more Jews. On June 15, 1942, Schubert from Gestapo-Koblenz cabled Gestapo-Düsseldorf, reporting that the train set out at 0:00 am, with 384 Jews aboard. Knopp, the Schupo (Schutzpolizei) policeman in charge of the transport, had two copies of the list of deportees and 19,200 Reichsmarks collected from them. There were also food supplies aboard the train: 38 kg of peas, 57 kg pearl barley, 760 loaves of rye bread, and 50 kg cooking salt....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 331, max: 373
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 920, max: 1055
    Date of Departure : 14/06/1942
    Date of Arrival : 19/06/1942