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Transport from Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece to Auschwitz Birkenau, Extermination Camp, Poland on 13/04/1943

Departure Date 13/04/1943 Arrival Date 18/04/1943
Baron Hirsch Ghetto
Freight Train
Auschwitz Birkenau,Extermination Camp,Poland
On April 13, 1943 the tenth transport departed from Thessaloniki. According to the Greek State Railways list, 2,800 Jews were included in this transport and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Danuta Czech in her Auschwitz Chronicle testified that 2,501 Jews arrived at Auschwitz on April 18, 1943. Ishak Parente was deported on this transport with his entire family. "They took us at first to the Baron Hirsch. I stayed there for one month. […] We left on April 13, 1943. We arrived in Auschwitz on April 19, it was the first day of Pessach [Passover]." During the 6 day journey, the deportees had to endure intense starvation and humiliation. "They put us in wagons like animals, 100 people in each wagon. There we relieved ourselves, in there we did everything. We made only one stop, at Gevgelija, to get some water. After a week, we arrived in Auschwitz."
Upon arrival at the camp, 360 men were admitted into the camp and tattooed with the numbers 116317-116676. 245 women were also admitted and tattooed with the numbers 41616-41860. The remaining Jews were murdered in the gas chambers immediately upon arrival. A few weeks after their arrival, 31 women were also gassed in a selection on August 31, 1943.
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 2501, max: 2800
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 2501, max: 2800
    Date of Departure : 13/04/1943
    Date of Arrival : 18/04/1943