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Transport from Gleiwitz, Gleiwitz (Oppeln), Silesia (Upper), Germany to unstated place on 20/05/1942

Departure Date 20/05/1942 Arrival Date 20/05/1942
unstated place,<>,<>,<>
The deportations apparently started after the Gestapo Gleiwitz received a cable, instructing them to immediately commence with the deportations: "all upper Silesian Jews are to be deported, excluding the families Guratze in Tost and Kochmann in Gleiwitz and the mixed marriages." The family Guratze were ennobled Jews who had influential friends among the higher Wehrmacht echelon. The Kochmann family was related to the Italian ambassador to Stockholm and personal friend of Mussolini, Giuseppe Renzetti. However, Schlesinger quotes from his memory, there seems to be no copy of this cable and Schlesinger does not disclose the source of his information.
In a letter to the Reichsvereinigung dated May 15, 1942, Arthur Kochmann records the following details of the deportation procedure:
"This morning, the nurse Emma Sara Ritter, who is employed with us, went to the office of the Gestapo Gleiwitz in order to get permission to visit the detained spouses Roth. On this occasion, the Gestapo officer Linz conveyed the message that 70 members of our community would be evacuated in the course of the day and that the rest would share the same fate throughout next week. The same officer called some hours later prompting us to instruct the occupants of the dwellings Bahnhofstrasse 4, Oberwallstrasse 14 and Neudorfstrasse 5 that all of them, whatever their age, would have to prepare for a certain hour later in the day to be evacuated. Only the very necessary items should be packed into a knapsack or, if not available, should be wrapped into a sheet or blanket. With regard to the funds we were told that the evacuees would be able to bring any amount. As we just learned, the occupants of Bahnhofstrasse 4 were already picked up by a police car. This includes the director of our school, Wilhelm Fleischer and the former merchant Fritz Grünpeter (...)."...
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 146, max: 167
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 146, max: 167
    Date of Departure : 20/05/1942
    Date of Arrival : 20/05/1942