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Transport I/95 from Berlin, Berlin (Berlin), City of Berlin, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 28/05/1943

Departure Date 28/05/1943 Arrival Date 29/05/1943
Old Age Home, 26 Grosse Hamburger Street
Berlin-Moabit, Freight train station (Putlitz Street)
Cattle Cars
Bohusovice train station
Marched by foot
Unlike the smaller transports, this one departed not from Anhalter Bahnhof, but from Berlin Moabit/Putlitzstrasse train station on 28 May 1943 and arrived a day later in Theresienstadt. The train was ordered by the Gestapo and provided by Deutsche Reichsbahn. The transport consisted of 327 Jews, of whom 228 were women and 99 were men. The average age of the deportees was 64.8. The youngest of them was an infant, less than a year old and the oldest was aged 97. Six of the deportees were under 12, one of them was between the ages of 13 and 18, thirty-three of them were between 19 and 45, sixty-four were between 46 and 60, and 206 of the deportees were between the ages of 61 and 85. Seventeen of the deportees were over 85 years old. Many of the inmates were patients or nurses from the hospital in Auguststrasse 14-16 or inhabitants of the neighboring old age and children’s’ home. Another group consisted of inhabitants of the orthodox Jewish old-age home of the Adass Jisroel congregation in Elsässer Strasse.
The procedure of dispatching the transport was different from the smaller transports. From the assembly camp the deportees were taken with trucks to the train station, where they had to wait for hours until everyone was registered and counted. This procedure lasted from the afternoon until the evening, when the train left Berlin. They traveled all night long and arrived the next morning in Theresienstadt.
The train's route took the deportees from Berlin to Dresden and along the river Elbe to Decin (Tetschen), Usti nad Labem (Aussig) and finally to Bohusovice (Bauschowitz). The deportees were taken off the train at Bohusovice station and forced by the awaiting SS personnel and Czech gendarmerie to walk the approximate 3 km to Theresienstadt, carrying their backpacks. Only people who were unable to walk were taken in trucks. The transport was given the reference I/95 in the Theresienstadt ghetto listings, where the Roman numeral I refers to Berlin. In Theresienstadt many of the elderly Jewish deportees who had arrived on these transports died of hunger and disease during the following months. Others were later transferred to extermination camps in the East, where they were murdered....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 327
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 327
    Date of Departure : 28/05/1943
    Date of Arrival : 29/05/1943
    Item No. : 5093080
    Transport No. upon Arrival : I/95