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Transport I/89 from Berlin, Berlin (Berlin), City of Berlin, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 02/02/1943

Departure Date 02/02/1943 Arrival Date 02/02/1943
Old Age Home, 26 Grosse Hamburger Street
Jewish Old Age Home Building, Gerlachstrasse 18-21, Berlin
Berlin, Anhalter Bahnhof
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
Central Rail Station
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
Bohusovice train station
Marched by foot
During the month of February, the Gestapo sent one transport from Berlin to Theresienstadt.
This transport departed from Anhalter Bahnhof in Berlin on 2 February 1943 and arrived in Theresienstadt in the early evening of the same day. The transport consisted of 100 Jews, of whom 59 were women and 41 were men. The average age of the deportees was 66.1. The youngest of them was 8 years old and the oldest was aged 91. Three of the deportees were under 12, three of them were between the ages of 13 and 18, six of them were between 19 and 45, eleven were between 46 and 60, and seventy-one of the deportees were between the ages of 61 and 85. Six of the deportees were over 85 years old.
One Jew from Cologne was among the deportees. He had been transferred to Berlin earlier as part of a larger group of residents of the city....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 100
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 100
    Date of Departure : 02/02/1943
    Date of Arrival : 02/02/1943
    Item No. : 5093073
    Transport No. upon Arrival : I/89