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Transport 39 from Luxembourg, Luxembourg to Auschwitz Birkenau, Extermination Camp, Poland on 17/06/1943

Departure Date 17/06/1943 Arrival Date 29/06/1943
In accordance with these guidelines, the Luxembourg Einsatzkommando of the Sipo (Security Police) and the SD (Security Service) sent out a transport on June 17, 1943. This authority collaborated with the CdZ (Civil Administration) in all matters relating to the confiscation of deportees’ property and the organization of the transport. Thirteen Jews were aboard, including the head of the Jewish community, Alfred Oppenheimer, aged 42, his wife Aline aged 45, and their son René aged 13. Another deportee, Ada Reuter, 65, from Körich, had been taken to a mental hospital in Ettelbrück and was transferred to the railroad station along with nine other patients who had been declared “fit to travel”. The Germans outdid themselves in organizing this transport by enlisting nurses to escort the patients as far as Berlin.
Oppenheimer testified in his deposition at the Eichmann trial:
“Several days before the transport, I was arrested by the Gestapo and locked up in the local jail, where I stayed until its departure. I was taken from the jail with my wife and my son and, together with the people from the mental hospital, we were placed in a railroad car that went to Trier. From there, we were transported to Berlin along with a group of Jews from the city. My family and I reached the Theresienstadt ghetto....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 13
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 25
    Date of Departure : 17/06/1943
    Date of Arrival : 29/06/1943