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Transport, Train Da 3 from Luxembourg, Luxembourg to Lodz, Ghetto, Poland on 16/10/1941

Departure Date 16/10/1941 Arrival Date 19/10/1941
On October 5, 1941, the Consistoire (administration) of the Luxembourg Jewish community announced the impending deportations to the east: The Consistoire regretfully conveys the following announcement to our Jewish brothers and sisters: Luxembourg Jewry is facing very difficult times. The German authorities have informed us that every Jew in Luxembourg must leave the country presently. We have not been given exact information about where the Jews will be settled, but we may presume that the destination is in the east. We are well aware that the Via Dolorosa that we will have to pass through is a harsh one. Nevertheless, we ask all coreligionists not to despair, to hold their heads high, and not to live in a state of panic. Particularly in these times of immense danger, we must unite and place our trust in God [...]. We do not know who will be forced to leave Luxembourg. German authorities will send out the summons [...]. Obviously, the Consistoire will do everything it can to reach an understanding with the authorities, but unfortunately the resources available to us are extremely limited. The Consistoire is answerable to the authorities for assuring that all directives forwarded are obeyed to the letter [...]. On October 7, 1941, two days after this announcement, the Consistoire circulated the Sipo guidelines regarding the first transport from Luxembourg to the Łódź ghetto. The guidelines stated, among other things, that a census would take place two days before the deportations and that during that time decisions would be made concerning both those selected and those responsible for the transport. Each deportee would be allowed to bring up to 100 Reichsmarks in cash and only 50 kilograms of luggage including blankets and bedding. Deportees would not be allowed to bring jewelry. The Consistoire added:...
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    Train No : Da 3
    No. of deportees at departure : 512
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 1072
    Date of Departure : 16/10/1941
    Date of Arrival : 19/10/1941