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Transport XXIV from Caserne Dossin (Malines-Mechelen), Camp, Belgium to Auschwitz Birkenau, Extermination Camp, Poland on 04/04/1944

Departure Date 04/04/1944 Arrival Date 07/04/1944
Nevertheless, they were able to form a transport. It took 84 days to compile the deportation list- much longer than for earlier transports. Jews who had stayed in the Mechelen camp for an extended period were now added to the deportation list for the transport of April 4 (transport XXIV).

Among the 626 deportees were 14 Jews who had entered the camp as early as 1942 and 92 Jews in 1943. A ‘Sonderlist’ (special list) comprised the names of 20 deportees who had managed to escape from earlier transports, but had been recaptured. Their train car was to be guarded even more carefully this time. The remaining 520 Jews were brought into the camp one by one, or in small groups. Many of them had been caught in hiding....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 626
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 626
    Date of Departure : 04/04/1944
    Date of Arrival : 07/04/1944