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Transport 16 from Berlin, Berlin (Berlin), City of Berlin, Germany to Maly Trostenets, Camp, Belorussia (USSR) on 24/06/1942

Departure Date 24/06/1942 Arrival Date 26/06/1942
Synagogue on Levetzow Street, Berlin Moabit-Tiergarten
Berlin-Moabit, Freight train station (Putlitz Street)
Passenger train
Wolkowysk, Central Station
Freight Train
Central Rail Station
Freight Train
Maly Trostenets,Camp,Belorussia (USSR)
On June 15, 1942 Reichsbahndirektion Königsberg (the Reichsbahn directorate) issued a detailed timetable (No. 46) to all affiliated departments and agencies regarding a special train ordered by the RSHA Berlin. It was scheduled to depart from Königsberg Northern freight station (today Kaliningrad, Russia) on June 24 at 22:34 with approximately 465 “Aussiedler” (emigrants) on board.
At 19:00 the last the train was waiting at the station ready for boarding. It was emphasized that the schedule was to be strictly adhered to, including the directive that loading of all deportees had to be completed by 22:00.
The train was scheduled to travel via Korschen (today Korsze, Poland), Prostken (today Prostki, Poland) and Bialystok to Wolkowysk main station (today Vawkavysk, Belarus), where it arrived a day later at 16:30. There, the Jews had to change from third-class passenger cars to freight cars. They left Wolkowysk at 21:43, traveling the whole night via Baranavichy to Minsk where they arrived at 11:50 on June 26, 1942....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 770
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 770
    Date of Departure : 24/06/1942
    Date of Arrival : 26/06/1942