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Transport 51 from Drancy, Camp, France to Sobibor, Extermination Camp, Poland on 06/03/1943

Departure Date 06/03/1943
Le Bourget-Drancy train station
Cattle Cars
Breslau Area,Breslau (Breslau),Silesia (Lower),Germany
Cattle Cars
Cattle Cars
Sobibor,Extermination Camp,Poland
On February 13, 1943 at 21:10, two Luftwaffe (German Air Force) officers were shot on their way to Hotel du Louvre, and died that night at a military hospital. In retaliation, the Germans decided to arrest and deport 2,000 Jews. On February 18, a series of arrests of Jewish men aged 16-65 was conducted, mainly in the South. Among others, the Jews targeted were foreign nationals and included Germans, Austrians, Poles, Czechs, Russians, Estonians, Lithuanians, and Jews who served in the Foreign Workers Groups (GTE, Groupes de travailleurs étrangers).
In total, 1,778 Jews were arrested in different localities in the south of France during this period. In Limoges, for example, policemen and Gendarmes conducted similar arrests on the night of February 23. In the Dordogne Department, Gendarmerie units transported Jews in four buses to the Secrestat sports hall in the city of Perigueux. All of the detainees were sent to the Gurs transit camp.
Elie Spielvogel - deported from Drancy to Majdanek on 06/03/1943
Claude Asser - deported from Drancy to Majdanek on 06/03/1943