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Transport 5 from Beaune la Rolande, Camp, France to Auschwitz Birkenau, Extermination Camp, Poland on 28/06/1942

Departure Date 28/06/1942 Arrival Date 30/06/1942
On June 1, 1942, Carl Oberg who had been appointed Higher SS and Police Leader in France (HSSPF) took office. While the reprisal deportations, planned by the MBF (Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich, Military Command in France) were maintained by the Sipo-SD, the criteria for selection were not always strictly followed. As a result, the deportation of June 28, 1942 included several women and French citizens.
On June 16, Dannecker sent a telex to the head of the Sipo-SD in Orléans requesting the preparation of two deportation trains; the first to leave Pithiviers on June 25 and the second to depart from Beaune-la-Rolande on June 28. He stated that the Jews to be deported must be under the age of 55 and able-bodied, and to include only those obliged to wear the yellow star - a restriction which had been imposed on the Jews in the Occupied Zone a month earlier. Dannecker listed several items that each person was to bring including the necessary clothing for hard labour such as boots and a work outfit as well as bedding. Each person was to bring three days’ worth of provisions. In addition, provisions for 14 days were to be prepared by the Prefecture. On June 23, Dannecker confirmed that the Orleans SD had announced that 35 of its men would be available to guard the train.
The deportation train departed from Beaune-la-Rolande, on June 28, with a total of 1,004 men and 34 women. The majority of the men included in this transport had been taken from among those arrested in May 1941. An additional 108 deportees including 34 women were arrested in order to fill the quota. A report from the Kommando of the Sipo-SD in Orléans dated June 29 (the day after the deporation) to the Military Commander in France indicated that because of the high number of mixed marriages among the internees in the Beaune-la-Rolande camp who were not to be included in the deportation, the French administration was unable to reach the requested 1,000 number of deportees. As a result, arrests were made in the Orléans region and an additional 34 women and 74 men joined the transport. Among those arrested were French citizens. There had been an attempt by the local Prefect, Jacques Martin-Sané, to remove Jews of French citizenship from the transport but his requests were rejected as it was decided that French citizens could also be included....
Salomon Sniadover - deported from Beaune-la-Rolande to Auschwitz on 28/06/1942