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Transport 26, Train 901-21 from Drancy, Camp, France to Auschwitz Birkenau, Extermination Camp, Poland on 31/08/1942

Departure Date 31/08/1942 Arrival Date 02/09/1942
The transport of August 31, 1942 included over two hundred children who had been arrested during the Vel d’Hiv roundups in July, most of whom had been transferred to Drancy from Beaune-la-Rolande and Pithiviers on August 25. The large majority of these children were French nationals.
The other deportees were mainly foreign Jews who had been transferred from the unoccupied zone in two transports. One transport departed from the Toulouse region on August 24 with 1,184 Jews. This transport collected Jews from several camps in the unoccupied zone and arrived in Drancy on August 25. These Jews were included in the transports to Auschwitz from Drancy on August 26 and August 28. The remaining 200 were deported on August 31.
A second transport from the unoccupied zone departed from Nexon in the Haute Vienne Department (District) on August 29, 1942. The transport included 446 Jews who had been arrested in the Limoges Region during the mass round-ups that took place on August 26. The deportees arrived in Drancy on August 29. 307 of them were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on the transport of August 31, only two days after their arrival....
Henri Wolff - deported from Drancy to Auschwitz on 31/08/1942