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Transport XXII/4 Ez from Karlovy Vary, Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 23/03/1944

Departure Date 23/03/1944
On 18 December 1943, a memo was sent by Chief of the Gestapo Heinrich Müller to the regional police offices, asking that Jewish spouses married to non-Jews, whose marriage ended in divorce or death, be deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto.
The transport left Karlovy Vary to the Theresienstadt Ghetto on 23 March 1944. This transport was listed as Ez, which were the German initials for special transport of individuals (Einzelreisende Sondertransport). It consisted of a single deportee, Louis Flink, a 70 year old man listed as a shoemaker. According to the deportation list, prior to his deportation he was under arrest in the city of Cheb (Eger). Very little is known about this transport. It is assumed that Louis Fink was driven from Cheb or Karlovy Vary to Theresienstadt. In the Theresienstadt Ghetto listings the transport was recorded as XXII/4 Ez where the Roman numeral XXII refers to Karlovy Vary.
According to the Theresienstadt ghetto listings, Louis Flink died in Theresienstadt on 1 April 1944, a year after his arrival.
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 1
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 1
    Date of Departure : 23/03/1944