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Transport XXII/4 from Karlovy Vary, Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 29/06/1943

Departure Date 29/06/1943 Arrival Date 29/06/1943
On 21 May 1943, Rolf Günther, Adolf Eichmann’s deputy in Department IVB4, informed all local police headquarters that Heinrich Himmler had ordered to complete all deportations of Jews from the Greater Reich and the Protectorate to the East and to Theresienstadt by 30 June 1943. The new regulations included several groups of Jews whose deportation was postponed until then. This included sick and infirm Jews, Jews who were still employed in slave labor for the war industry, employees of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden (Reich's Association of the Jews in Germany). The only exemptions were Jews married to non-Jews
The RSHA initiated transports of the remaining Jews in the Sudetenland region as early as November 1942. Gestapo headquarters in Liberec (Reichenberg), headed by Rudolf Schröder, and utilizing its subsidiary offices in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), oversaw the deportations.
The fourth transport left Karlovy Vary to the Theresienstadt Ghetto on 29 June 1943. It consisted of five Jewish deportees, possibly the last inhabitants of the Edersgrün camp, who were previously protected from deportation. Very little is known about this transport. Prior to their deportation, the deportees were searched and all valuable items in their possession were confiscated. It is assumed that the deportees were driven in buses or trucks from Edersgrün to Theresienstadt. In the Theresienstadt Ghetto listings the transport was recorded as XXII/4 where the Roman numeral XXII refers to Karlovy Vary....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    Date of Departure : 29/06/1943
    Date of Arrival : 29/06/1943