The third transport left Karlovy Vary to the Theresienstadt Ghetto on 12 March 1943. It consisted of two young women: 22 year old Rose Friedel, and 27 year old Auguste Kriesser. Both women are listed as having lived at the Wiesengrund healthcare facility prior to their deportation. . Very little is known about this transport or the deportees. It is assumed that the deportees were driven from Karlovy Vary to Theresienstadt. In the Theresienstadt Ghetto listings the transport was recorded as XXII/3 where the Roman numeral XXII refers to Karlovy Vary.
According to historian Rudolf Wlaschek, both . Rosa Friedel and Auguste Kriesser died in Theresienstadt on 20 March 1944 and 9 April 1943, respectively.