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Transport XIX/7 Ez2 from Usti nad Labem, Usti nad Labem, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 05/10/1944

Departure Date 05/10/1944 Arrival Date 05/10/1944
According to the Theresienstadt ghetto listings, a transport marked XIX/7 Ez arrived in Theresienstadt on 5 October 1944. This transport was listed as Ez, which were the German initials for special transport of individuals (Einzelreisende Sondertransport). The Roman numeral XIX referred to transports from of Usti nad Labem (Aussig) and the vicinity (Sudetenland region),
The only person listed on this transport was Gerson Müller, who was born 11 days prior near Litomerice (Leitmeritz). According to personal file no. 325 in the Beit Theresienstadt archives, Gerson Müller was born in the small fortress (Kleine Festung) in Theresienstadt. His mother, Ruzena Müllerova, was deported with her eldest son Petr from Praha (Prague) to Theresienstadt on 14 December 1941 on transport M. Apparently, she had been employed in German households outside the ghetto, and was imprisoned in the small fortress for attempting to pass information about the ghetto to the outside world. After giving birth to Gerson on 24 September 1944, the infant was sent to Theresienstadt, where his brother was still imprisoned.
Based on the above information, it may be presumed that no actual transport took place. Since a a transport number identified every inmate of the ghetto, it would seem that transport XIX/7 Ez on 5 October 1944 was a fictitious transport created out of bureaucratic necessity....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 1
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 1
    Date of Departure : 05/10/1944
    Date of Arrival : 05/10/1944
    Item No. : 5092479
    Transport No. upon Arrival : XIX/7 Ez2