The sixth transport left Usti nad Labem to the Theresienstadt Ghetto on 10. January 1944. It consisted of 58 deportees, most of them elderly Jewish inmates of the Schönwald camp, who were probably protected from deportation to Theresienstadt due of having been married to a non-Jewish spouse.
Very little is known about this transport. It is assumed that the deportees were driven in buses or trucks from the Schönwald camp to Theresienstadt. Prior to their deportation, the deportees were searched and all valuable items in their possession were confiscated. In the Theresienstadt Ghetto listings the transport was recorded as XIX/6 where the Roman numeral XIX refers to the area of Usti nad Labem.
According to historian Rudolf Wlaschek, out of the 58 persons on this transport, at least 10 died in Theresienstadt due to hunger and disease and five were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where they were in all likelihood murdered upon arrival. 43 people are known to have survived in Thersienstadt until the end of the war.