The twelfth transport left the Usti nad Labem area to the Theresienstadt Ghetto on 3 March 1945. It consisted of 20 deportees. This was one of the very last transports to reach Theresienstadt. Very little is known about this transport..
According to the records of the Jewish adminstration in Theresienstadt, the transport departed from the city of Liberec (Reichenberg). From there, it is assumed that the deportees were driven in buses or trucks to Theresienstadt. Prior to their deportation, the deportees were searched and all valuable items in their possession were confiscated. In the Theresienstadt Ghetto listings the transport was recorded as XIX/11 where the Roman numeral XIX refers to the area of Usti nad Labem.
The Theresienstadt ghetto was liberated two months later, on 8 May 1945. According to historian Rudolf Wlaschek, all twenty deportees managed to survive the harsh conditions in the ghetto.