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Transport XIV/3 Ez3 from Lublin, Ghetto, Poland to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 13/04/1944

Departure Date 13/04/1944 Arrival Date 14/04/1944
This transport departed either from the city of Stettin or from Lublin on April 12 or 13, 1944, and arrived in Theresienstadt on April 14, 1944. It was classified as a transport of individuals (Einzeltransport) and consisted of two children, Eva Joachimsthal aged 9, and her brother Lutz, aged 6. In February 1940, the two had been deported with their parents, Ernst and Gertrud Joachimsthal from Stettin to the Lublin ghetto where they had presumably resided on the main street, Lubartowksa.
The first deportations from the ghetto to the extermination camps began in March 1942, and the liquidation of most of the ghetto followed. The father, Ernst, died or was murdered, and the mother, Gertrud, was deported to Auschwitz on an unknown date. It is also not known how long the children stayed alone in what remained of the Lublin ghetto.
In the face of the advancing Red Army, many Jews were evacuated from the Lublin district. Lutz and Eva, who the Nazi racial laws classified as “Mischlinge” (children of an Aryan and a non-Aryan parent), were sent to Theresienstadt. It is unknown whether their transport left Lublin, or whether they were transported to Stettin first and were incarcerated there for a period of time. Egon (Gonda) Redlich, head of the Youth Department in the ghetto, claims that the children stayed for a year at a convent in Lublin, and arrived at Theresienstadt escorted by their non-Jewish grandmother....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 2
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 2
    Date of Departure : 13/04/1944
    Date of Arrival : 14/04/1944
    Item No. : 5092460
    Transport No. upon Arrival : XIV/3 Ez3