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Transport XIV/1 Ez1 from Stolp, Stolp (Koeslin), Pomerania, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 16/06/1943

Departure Date 16/06/1943
This transport departed from the city of Stolp (Slupsk) or from the district capital Köslin (Koszalin) in Pomerania on June 15 or 16, 1943 and arrived in Theresienstadt on June 17, 1943. It was classified as a transport of individuals (Einzeltransport) and consisted of three deportees, all of whom were residents of Stolp: 62 year-old Minna Beilfuss, 49 year-old Frieda Gottschalk and her husband, 54 year-old Emil Gottschalk, the last chairman of the Jewish community of Stolp.
The deportees were probably arrested at their homes or ordered to report to the Gestapo offices in Stolp or to the main Gestapo offices in Köslin. They were registered and forced to sign a declaration, relinquishing their entire property to the State. They were presumably put under guard on a regular passenger train that went to Theresienstadt via Posen or Berlin.
The train arrived at Theresienstadt on June 17, 1943. In early June, the Jewish prisoners in Theresienstadt had completed the construction of a new train station in the ghetto. It is not known whether the train stopped there, or at Baushowitz (Bohusovice) train station, from where the deportees had to march the remaining three kilometers to the ghetto....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 3
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 3
    Date of Departure : 16/06/1943
    Date of Arrival :
    Item No. : 5092453
    Transport No. upon Arrival : XIV/1 Ez1