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Transport XII/6 from Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt a. Main (Wiesbaden), Hesse-Nassau, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 08/01/1944

Departure Date 08/01/1944 Arrival Date 10/01/1944
Sammellager Ostendstrasse 18, Frankfurt am Main
One of these transports left from the Ostbahnhof (the eastern railroad station of Frankfurt am Main) on January 8, 1944, and reached Theresienstadt on January 10. There were 56 Jews aboard, mostly elderly women, mischlinge (people of mixed racial descent), and Jewish spouses from mixed marriages that had been nullified. Some had been brought in from nearby localities and had been held at the “collective Jewish residence” on the Ostendstraße, which the Gestapo used at the time as both a detention facility and as an assembly point for deportees. The residence was supervised by Kriminalinspektor Hans Gabbusch and Kriminalsekräter Albert Friedrich, who also organized and carried out this transport.
In the Theresienstadt ghetto records, the transport is referred to as XII/6, the Roman numeral XII denoting Frankfurt am Main.
Thirty-eight Jewish deportees from this transport survived the war....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 56
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 56
    Date of Departure : 08/01/1944
    Date of Arrival : 10/01/1944
    Item No. : 5092436
    Transport No. upon Arrival : XII/6