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Transport XII/5 from Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt a. Main (Wiesbaden), Hesse-Nassau, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 16/06/1943

Departure Date 16/06/1943 Arrival Date 17/06/1943
the Jewish Community building on Hermesweg 5-7 in Frankfurt/Main
Central Rail Station
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
On June 10, following the RSHA’s instructions for dismantling the organizational foundations of German Jewry in June 1943, Ernst Holland ordered the dissolution of the Frankfurt offices of the Reichsvereinigung. He confiscated the organization’s property and the entire staff was deported in one transport that left on June 16. From June 11 onward, the Reichsvereinigung was succeeded by the Restvereinigung der jüdischen Mischehepartner Bezirksstelle Frankfurt am Main (Association of the Surviving Intermarried Jewish Spouses at the Frankfurt am Main District Office). Within a few weeks, however, this agency was again being called the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich's Association of the Jews in Germany).
The transport set out from Frankfurt on June 16, 1943, and reached Theresienstadt on June 17. It comprised nineteen Jews, the last Volljuden in Frankfurt (“full Jews” according to the Nuremberg laws) which included employees of the Frankfurt Jewish community as well as those from the districts of Kassel and Wiesbaden and their families. The deportees left from the collection point at the Frankfurt district offices of the 'Reichsvereinigung' on Hermesweg.
One of the deportees was Berthold Guthmann, an attorney and head of the Jewish community in Wiesbaden, who departed along with his wife, his son Paul (b. March 22, 1933), and his daughter, Charlotte. The latter, Charlotte Opfermann née Guthmann, wrote:...
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 19
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 38
    Date of Departure : 16/06/1943
    Date of Arrival : 17/06/1943
    Item No. : 5092434
    Transport No. upon Arrival : XII/5