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Transport XII/4 Ez from Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt a. Main (Wiesbaden), Hesse-Nassau, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 27/04/1943

Departure Date 27/04/1943 Arrival Date 28/04/1943
Collective residence for Jews at 18 Ostendstraße, Frankfurt a.M.
Frankfurt am Main central train station
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
On April 16, 1943, Ernst Holland reported, “All Jews whom the RSHA has allowed to be deported have left Frankfurt, and the welfare institutions (old-age homes, youth facilities, and the hospital) have been dismantled.” Holland noted that the proceeds of the sale of the deported Jews’ property were 293,532.61 Reichsmarks.
This transport left Frankfurt am Main on April 27 and reached the Theresienstadt ghetto on April 28 with one person aboard, Dr. Hans Posner (b. July 4, 1883) of Wiesbaden. Posner had written his Ph.D. dissertation on Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Azoospermie (Contributions to the knowledge of Azoospermie).
The Gestapo arrested Dr. Posner on April 10 and “took him to the communal Jewish residence (“Jew House”) on Ostendstraße which had been established by order of Gestapo on March 15, 1943. This building, supervised by Holland, served as a collection point prior to deportation. The Jewish affairs official Heinrich Baab from Department IIB 2 at the Gestapo was in charge of organizing this deportation....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 1
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 1
    Date of Departure : 27/04/1943
    Date of Arrival : 28/04/1943