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Transport XII/4 from Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt a. Main (Wiesbaden), Hesse-Nassau, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 12/04/1943

Departure Date 12/04/1943 Arrival Date 13/04/1943
the Jewish Community building on Hermesweg 5-7 in Frankfurt/Main
Central train station
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
In April 1943, Ernst Holland concentrated husbands of non-Jewish wives and their families into three neighborhoods: Obermain, Alstadt, and Ostend. Most of them had to move into shared residences (“Jew Houses”) that became, in effect, collection points for Jews facing deportation.
The transport from Frankfurt am Main set out on April 12, 1943, and reached the Theresienstadt ghetto the next day, April 13. It comprised 12 elderly Jews, most of whom were foreign nationals. The train stopped at Bohusovice where the deportees were taken off and marched some three kilometers, to the gates of the ghetto with their luggage. Only those unable to walk were driven to the ghetto.
In the Theresienstadt ghetto records, the transport is referred to as XII/4, the Roman numeral XII denoting Frankfurt am Main....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 11, max: 12
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 11, max: 12
    Date of Departure : 12/04/1943
    Date of Arrival : 13/04/1943
    Item No. : 5092432
    Transport No. upon Arrival : XII/4