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Transport XI/5 from Muenster, Münster i. Westf. (Muenster), Westphalia, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 13/02/1945

Departure Date 13/02/1945
The German authorities managed to carry out the final deportation from Münster and the vicinity despite the approching end of war. Several local officilas participated in this deportation, including police sergeant Josef B. from Velen who on February 1, 1945 led Ida Lehmann by tram to the prison in Borken. Ida´s non-Jewish husband, Franz, accompanied her there. Later she was taken to a prison in Bielefeld, from where she was deported to Theresienstadt. Franz was drafted into the “People´s Army” (“Volkssturm”) shortly after.
Most of the Jews in Bielefeld and it´s area were brought to assembly sites located at the hotel “Stadt Bremen” and the former dance hall “Eintracht”. The train departured on February 13, 1945 from Münster with 58 people and collected more in Bielefeld and other places. The journey lasted a whole week because of the distubances caused due to the proximity to the front lines.
It is known that the train went through the following stations: Hildesheim – on February 15, 1945, Halberstadt – February 16, 1945, Halle/S. – February 17, 1945, Leipzig –February 18, 1945 and arrived in Theresienstadt on February 20, 1945 at 6:30 pm....
Ruth Margalit - deported from Münster to Theresienstadt on 13.02.1945