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Transport X/4 Ez3 from Luxembourg, Luxembourg to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 01/08/1944

Departure Date 01/08/1944
About a month before Luxemburg was liberated by the Allies on September 9, a final transport departed which arrived in Theresienstadt on August 3. The transport included a single Jew, Victor Fleminger (b. July 3, 1886 in Vienna). Fleminger was a well-known artist, actor, singer, and composer. He married Johanna Frauta, a catholic; because of her death in September 1943, Victor Fleminger was deported to Theresienstadt. No documents attest to the date of departure, but it would appear that Fleminger was put on a regular passenger train that went from Luxemburg to Dortmund via Duesseldorf. There he was put on another regular train that stopped near Theresienstadt. On October 28, 1944, only two months after his arrival in the Ghetto, Fleminger was sent with transport Ev to Auschwitz, where he was murdered. Upon arrival in the Ghetto, the transport was designated X/4 Ez3; the Roman numeral X referred to the city of Dortmund.
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 1
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 1
    Date of Departure : 01/08/1944
    Date of Arrival :
    Item No. : 5092416
    Transport No. upon Arrival : X4 Ez3