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Transport VIII/5 from Hannover, Hannover (Hannover), Hanover, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 20/02/1945

Departure Date 20/02/1945
Gueterbahnhof Moehringsberg nahe der Sandbruecke an der Kapernikusstrasse
The Hanover Gestapo started preparing an additional transport. On February 8, 1945, a new letter was sent to the Mayor of Hameln and to the Gestapo in Nienburg. It stated:
“In accordance with a decree of the RSHA, Jewish Mischlinge of the 1st degree and those related by marriage have already been included in work details. To conclude the operation, the RFSS (Reich Leader SS – the title of Heinrich Himmler) has ordered the inclusion of Jewish spouses in mixed marriages into segregated work deployment. I therefore require the transfer all German and stateless Jews – including Geltungsjuden [a term used for Mischlinge that were declared Jews by the Nuremberg laws under specific conditions] – (…) and regardless of their current occupation, they must report to our offices in Hildesheimerstrasse 12, room 5/6 on 19.2.1945 by 2 pm for further transportation to work assignments in Theresienstadt.”
The letter shows that, unlike most of the previous deportations, in this case the Horticultural School in Ahlem was not used as an assembly camp. Instead, the Jews were transferred to the main offices of the Gestapo and were taken to the train station from there. There was another change: this time the transport did not depart from Fischerhof station, but from the freight station Möhringsberg in the Northern part of Hanover....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 220
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 220
    Date of Departure : 20/02/1945
    Date of Arrival :
    Item No. : 5092406
    Transport No. upon Arrival : VIII/5