There is very little information regarding this transport although we know that it consisted of 10 Jews and arrived in Theresienstadt on December 15, 1944. However, the date of departure is uncertain. The transport was registered in the records of the ghetto as VIII/4 EZ. The Roman numeral VIII refers to Hanover as the city of origin, the number 4 to the fourth transport from that city, and EZ is an abbreviation for the German term "Einzeltransport" (single transport).
Einzeltransporte were conducted with regular passenger trains and included only a very small number of people, usually Jewish spouses from mixed marriages that had ended due to divorce or death of the non-Jewish partner. This transport was the second of two small EZ-deportations that were conducted at the end of the 1944 and included only one person each.
Buchholz, Marlis, "Und hat unendlich viel Arbeit verursacht," Hannovers Stadtverwaltung und die "Judenhäuser," in: Rassismus in Deutschland, Beiträge zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung in Norddeutschland, Heft 1, pp. 61-72. Ed. Temmen, Bremen 1994.
Buchholz, Marlis: "Chronologie einer Ausweisung. Zur Rolle der jüdischen Gemeindevertretung bei der Ghettoisierung der hannoverschen Juden," in Marlis Buchholz, Claus Füllberg-Stolberg and Hans-Dieter Schmid, eds., Nationalsozialismus und Region, Festschrift für Herbert Obenaus zum 65. Geburtstag, Hannoversche Schriften zur Regional- und Lokalgeschichte, Band 11, Vlg. fuer Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld 1996, S.63-78