Gebaeude der Judischen Gemeinde in der Zeughausstrasse 3 in Dresden
The sixth of these transports departed from Dresden on 8 September 1942 and arrived in Theresienstadt later the same day. There were 50 people between the ages of 49 and 88 on this transport, including one old couple from the town of Sebnitz who had been taken to Dresden on 4. September 1942, three persons from the town of Zittau, and one from each of the towns of Königsstein, Meissen and Radebeul. Prior to their deportation the majority had been forced to live in houses designated for Jews only, the “Judenhäuser”.
Apart from Martin Mutschmann, the Gauleiter of Saxony, there were other key figures involved in the execution of this transport: Henry Schmidt, the head of the Dresden Department for Jewish Affairs in the RSHA, was likely the person most involved in the deportations of Jews from the city. Schmidt was present in the assembly camps and even accompanied two or three transports to Theresienstadt.
The guidelines recommended that Gestapo units force the Reich Association of Jews in Germany and local Jewish communities to assist in preparing the transports. In Dresden Dr. Kurt Hirschel was responsible for this task. He was the last administrative director of the city’s Jewish community until his deportation in June 1943. The Gestapo required him to provide lists of local Jews according to criteria such as age groups....