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Transport K from Brno, Brno Hlavni Mesto, Moravia-Silesia, Czechoslovakia to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 05/12/1941

Departure Date 05/12/1941 Arrival Date 05/12/1941
School Building, Merhautova St. No..37, Brno
Bohusovice train station
Marched by foot
Transport K left Brno for the Theresienstadt Ghetto on December 5, 1941. It consisted of 1,000 Jews, mostly residents of Brno. The deportees were first brought to a collection point at a school building on Merhautova St. 37 in Brno.
Prior to the train’s departure, several staff members of the Prague Jewish community Transports Department arrived in Brno to carry out administrative measures according to the orders they received from the Central Office for Jewish Immigration. They prepared a list of deportees, registered Jewish property, issued notices regarding the date of deportation and assisted in packing and carrying luggage.
From the assembly site, the deportees were transferred to the train station and put on a train. Upon its arrival in Bohusovice, the Jews had to disembark and were forced to march the remaining 3 km to Theresienstadt....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 1000
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 1000
    Date of Departure : 05/12/1941
    Date of Arrival : 05/12/1941
    Item No. : 5092341
    Transport No. upon Arrival : K