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Transport III/5 from Koeln, Köln (Köln), Rhine Province, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 19/09/1942

Departure Date 19/09/1942 Arrival Date 19/09/1942
Deutz-Tief Train station, Cologne
Bohusovice train station
Marched by foot
The fifth transport from Cologne to Theresienstadt left the Cologne-Deutz-Tief train station on September 19 1942 and arrived in Theresienstadt on the same day. There it was given the reference III/5, the Roman numeral III signifying the city of Cologne. The transport consisted of 50 people including four Jews from Duesseldorf and one from Bonn. Thirty four of the deportees were women and 16 were men. The average age of the deportees was 53 and a half. The youngest deportee was a four year old girl, and the oldest deportee was an 82 year old man.
One of the deportees was Helmut Lohn, born 1914. He belonged to a group of 20 people from the aid force of the Jewish community who supplied the Jews waiting for deportation with food and helped with the dispatch. Shortly after the end of the war he described his deportation as follows:
"Then there was another long break until the beginning of September 1942. As there were only 300 "full" Jews left in Cologne, weekly transports consisting of 50 Jews in single cars were sent to Theresienstadt. I was included in one of these transports in September. Of course these transports were easier to dispatch than the big transports of 1000 people."...
Caroline Blumenthal - deported from Cologne to Theresienstadt on 19/09/1942
Ruth Herzka, born Rosenbaum - deported from Cologne to Theresienstadt on 19/09/1942