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Transport II/28 from Nuernberg, Nürnberg (Nürnberg), Bavaria, Germany to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 18/06/1943

Departure Date 18/06/1943 Arrival Date 18/06/1943
Central train station
Rail car attached to a regular passenger train
In 1943 the Gestapo launched one relatively ”small” transport from Nuremberg-Fürth to Theresienstadt. This was the sixth deportation to leave the the district and the third to Theresienstadt.
In February 1943 the RSHA had sent out new deportation guidelines to the local Gestapo branches. From then on, working in forced labour did not protect anyone from deportation, while Jewish partners in existing or even anulled mixed marriages as well as “Geltungsjuden” (people of mixed ancestry) were still exempt. In May 1943 the deportations intensified as Heinrich Himmler ordered that all Jews defined as such according to the Nuremberg laws and still living in Germany, had to be deported.
This transport was organized and carried out under the supervision of Hans Macht from the Nuremberg Gestapo office who sent the plans for the deportation to the Würzburg branch....
Herbert Kolb - deported from Nuremberg to Theresienstadt on 16/06/1943