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Transport Eg from Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia to Bergen Belsen, Camp, Germany on 04/07/1944

Departure Date 04/07/1944 Arrival Date 6/7/1944
Freight Train
Bergen Belsen,Camp,Germany
Based on the composition of transports leaving Drancy and Westerbork in July 1944, it may be assumed that in the summer of 1944 an order was given to incarcerate the Jewish wives and underage children of Dutch and French POWs in Bergen-Belsen.
On July 4, 1944, a small transport designated "Eg", and consisting of 15 Dutch nationals, mostly women and small children, left Theresienstadt for Bergen-Belsen. Willy Mahler, who worked for the Transport Department in the Theresienstadt ghetto, indicated in his diary that the husbands of these women were interned in POW camps. This notion is corroborated by the post-war testimony of survivor Lientje Lisser.
These prisoners were likely transported by passenger car attached to a regular passenger train at the Bohusovice (Bauschowitz) station, some 3km from the ghetto. They probably had to disembark at the nearby town of Celle. From there, they were taken by car to nearby Bergen-Belsen....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 15
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 15
    Date of Departure : 04/07/1944
    Date of Arrival : 6/7/1944