In the yearly report of the Jewish council in Prague (Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag – Židovská Rada Starších [ŽRS]) from end of 1944 was written: "Jews with non-Jewish children, who were recognized by then as Aryan, were added to the transports Dt and Dt II". According to this report, children of these deportees, who were considered by the German race laws as “Mischling” (Jews of mixed ancestry), and didn't have other relatives by whom they could have lived, were brought to juvenile shelter of the Jewish council in Prague.
Transport DT II set out from Prague (Praha) for Theresienstadt on January 11, 1944 with 14 Jews aboard. Although 11 of them are known to have survived the war, there are no survivor testimonies or detailed archive materials regarding this transport.