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Transport Bc, Train Da 224 from Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia to Maly Trostenets, Camp, Belorussia (USSR) on 25/08/1942

Departure Date 25/08/1942 Arrival Date 28/08/1942
Marched by foot
Bohusovice train station
Passenger train
Wolkowysk main train station
Freight Train
Baranawitschy main train station
Freight Train
Minsk freight train station
Freight Train
Maly Trostenets,Camp,Belorussia (USSR)
The transport orders were handed to the camp commander, Siegfried Seidl from the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung (Central Office for Jewish Emigration) in Prague, who passed them on to the Jewish leadership of the ghetto (Ältestenrat).
In his Ghetto diary, Egon (Gonda) Redlich, head of the Children and Youth Department in the ghetto, wrote on August 21, 1942: "Three transports will go at the end of this month. It's hard to make up a list for the transports because everyone is trying to stay in Terezin, trying to find any assignment or work that will fend off the transports."
On the morning of the transport, the Jews were marched or taken by truck to the Bauschowitz (Bohusovice) train station, some 3 km outside the ghetto, where they were loaded onto the railway cars that were waiting....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    Train No : Da 224
    No. of deportees at departure : 999
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 999
    Date of Departure : 25/08/1942
    Date of Arrival : 28/08/1942