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Transport AE2 from Praha, Praha Hlavni Mesto, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia to Theresienstadt, Ghetto, Czechoslovakia on 04/02/1945

Departure Date 04/02/1945 Arrival Date 04/02/1945
Praha-Bubny railway station
In 1997, one of the deportees on this transport, Herta Polz (b. 1905), testified that on February 1, 1945, she had received written notification of her deportation. The identity of the person who delivered the notice is not clear. The transport, she stated, took about an hour and a half.
This train was designated “Ae2” in the ghetto records upon arrival.
According to a report issued by the Theresienstadt ghetto council, 1,079 persons should have been aboard transport Ae2 according to the original deportation list but 184 names had been deleted from the roster, bringing the total to 895. The deportees were classified according to occupation. Perusal of the Terezín Memorial Book shows that there were at least four Jews aged 18 and below on the transport, and one was under 14....
Herta Polz - deported from Prague to Theresienstadt on 04/02/1945