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Transport from Klemensow, Camp, Poland to Lublin-Majdanek, Camp, Poland on 09/05/1944

Departure Date 09/05/1944 Arrival Date 10/05/1944
Zamosc Train Station
Freight Train

The forced labor camp in the village of Klemensów lay about 3 kilometers northeast of the town of Szczebrzeszyn, in the Biłgoraj County of the Lublin District. It belonged to the Bauleitung der Luftwaffe, the German Air Force Construction Office, and it was part of the Luftwaffe complex of labor camps in the Zamość area.[1]

The camp was operational since October 1940, and it was the longest functioning Jewish forced labor camp in the area of Zamość.[2] Its inmates were some of the 10,000 Jews who had remained alive in the Lublin District after the mass deportations of the Jewish population of the local cities, towns, and villages to the Bełżec and Sobibór death camps; and after Aktion Erntefest (Operation Harvest Festival), the mass murder of the Jewish prisoners of Majdanek, Trawniki, and other camps on November 3-4, 1943.[3] Jews from Szczebrzeszyn, Zamość, and nearby towns, and later from the labor camp in Poniatowa, were forced to work in Klemensów.[4] Initially, they had to build airfield facilities; later, they performed maintenance, land improvement, and other work; in the final stages, they had to unload heavy bombs around the airport facilities.[5]

Estimates of the number of inmates at any particular time range from 400 to 1,200, and it changed over time.[6] Between January and March 1944, more than 100 prisoners sick with typhus were transported to the killing site in Rotunda and murdered.[7] By April that year, out of a few hundred Jewish forced laborers, only 95 remained in the camp, including five women.[8]...

    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 75, max: 100
    Date of Departure : 09/05/1944
    Date of Arrival : 10/05/1944