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Transport from Lipiny Górne Borowina, Bilgoraj, Lublin, Poland to Krzeszow, Bilgoraj, Lublin, Poland on 12/09/1942

Departure Date 12/09/1942

The village of Lipiny Górne is situated some 40 kilometers southwest of the town of Biłgoraj in southeastern Poland. During World War II it belonged to the municipality (gmina) of Potok Górny in Biłgoraj County (Landkreis) within the Lublin District (Distrikt) of the General Government (Generalgouvernement). At the start of the war, the gmina’s Jewish  population stood at 243, of whom forty-two resided in Lipiny Górne, according to the Potok Górny municipal census of October 25, 1939. Of the forty-two Jews in Lipiny Górne, twelve were aged 0-16, twenty-four were aged 16-60, and six were 60 years old and above; males outnumbered females 23 to 19.[1] Among the Jewish families were the Fiszbajdegens, the Szpiros, the Oberhandts, the Knochens, the Bryks, and the Orber.[2]

In mid-September 1942, the Jews of Lipiny Górne were deported, together with the Jews from the entire gmina of Potok Górny, to the nearby town of Krzeszów, 11 kilometers west of the village. Exact demographic data for the deportation are unknown, and very few details can be reconstructed about the event itself.

A survivor from the village of Potok Górny, Shlomo-Yitzhak Sprung, recounts how on Rosh Hashanah ( Jewish New Year) – September 11-13, 1942 – the German authorities ordered the deportation to Krzeszów of the Jews in the municipality of Potok Górny, including the villages of "Potok Górny, Kulno, Lipiny and Szyszków."[3] Letters written by the municipality head (wójt gminy), J. Jaceczko, on September 16, 1942, to heads of villages confirm that a resettlement action (akcja przesiedlieniowa) was underway throughout the Potok Górny gmina at this time. No letter to the head of the Lipiny Górne has been preserved, but from the letters to other villages of the gmina, such as Kulno and Szyszków, we can infer that the Jews of Lipiny Górne were most likely deported in horse-drawn wagons.[4]...

    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 42
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 42
    Date of Departure : 12/09/1942
    Date of Arrival :